World Spirits Award goes on a world tour
To do even more justice to the title of "World Spirits", in 2015 Wolfram Ortner will expand the concept of the successful spirits competition and will go out into the world. This way, we can keep up with the ever-increasing internationalisation of the WSA. The previous "World Spirits Festival" with the "Award Celebration" will no longer take place in its usual form, but will be replaced by the new award presentation in the country of the winner - one of all countries and islands in the world, which are represented by their distilleries at the World Spirits Award.
Details of the tour
The homeland of the most successful participant will provide the platform for a 'high spirited' tour.
- Highlight is the award presentation in the distillery of the superstar or in a chosen town. Naturally all participants of the WSA are welcome to join in the celebrations - primarily of course, it will involve visitors from neighbouring countries. The participation of representatives of the press and celebrities is also planned.
- Conclusion of the award presentation is a festive dinner, at which the family character of the event will be emphasised and enhanced. The costs for the dinner are to be settled by the participants themselves - the WSA will take on the organisational role.
- As a supporting programme there will be a distillery tour in the winning country. On three to five accompanied days, there will be no shortage of specialised know-how and expert knowledge to be passed on.
Dates of the tour
Always on 15 February of the respective event year, the country will be announced in which the tour will take place. The award presentation will take place in May of the same year. On this day, all the results of the World Spirits Award will be made public.
So that the World Spirits Award really tours the whole world, the winning country has to take a break for 5 years, even if the 'superstar' wins again.
As you can see, we are always looking for new ways to separate the best from the best!
Where will the presentation of prizes take place?
In which country the award ceremony will take place depends on how many award winners come from a country and who the superstar of the last WSA is. In consultation with the winners or potential organisers, it will be decided whether, where and when the prizes will be awarded. If no interest is shown in participating, the 'next' will be contacted and will receive the possibility of hosting the ceremony. The locations for the presentation of the prizes can be a distillery, trade fair or other locations in a suitable town or city.
The more manufacturers and the more products that take part in the WSA from one country, the greater the possibility that the main prizes (awards) will be awarded to this country. It may well be that there is one ceremony overseas and one in Europe.
In 2012 this concept was tried for the first time in China in the Diao Yü Tai State Guest House in Beijing: with the Gold Medal Award Celebration for the Moutai and the Chinese nation, respectively.
What is the procedure at the event?
We honour the superstar in their own country and, of course, invite all award participants from around the world to be there too. Participants who are present in person and the superstar will be presented with their awards, titles and medals, and participants who are not personally present will have their prizes sent to them.
The 'superstar' may invite friends, VIPs and press to the award ceremony at their own cost. The organisation will be carried out together, the expenditure shared: costs for participants of the WSA and those persons invited by the WSA will be assumed by the organiser, the location and equipment is to be provided by the winner.
After the award ceremony, everyone will have dinner together in an attractive restaurant. The costs are to be borne by the participants themselves.
Registration for participation in the award celebration must take place by 15 March. An educational trip can be booked in connection with the ceremony (3 to 5 days, visits to distilleries, etc.).
The packages that are booked (hotel, dinner and educational trip) shall be paid by 25 March at the latest after invoicing. Later registration is unfortunately either not possible or subject to additional costs.
Important note
From 2015 the "World Spirits Festival" (the usual show) will no longer take place. We will concentrate on our core competence, the perfect competition of world spirits and the award for the best of the best in the country of the superstar(s) of the WSA. We want to properly appreciate the quality of the products and the manufacturers and show due respect through the award presentation in their own country.
Guide Concept
- Front page: photo of superstar
- Special interest topic: category, country and superstar